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Army Dog Center Attock 03454760111

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List No: 6759
List Date: 23 September 2024
Age: 6 - 12 Months
Gender: Male
List No 6759
List Date 23 September 2024
Age 6 - 12 Months
Gender Male

The journey of a sniffer dog begins with meticulous training, where they undergo rigorous programs tailored to harness their natural instincts and sensory abilities. From an early age, these dogs are introduced to various scents, gradually honing their olfactory prowess to distinguish between different odors with remarkable precision. Whether it's detecting hidden explosives in rubble or tracking down illicit substances concealed within cargo, these canines undergo specialized training regimes designed to simulate real-world scenarios they might encounter in the field.

Army Dog Center Sargodha 03124760111 

Army Dog Center Rawalpindi 03335698052 

Army Dog Center Sialkot 03454760111 















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