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List No: | 9350 |
List Date: | 17 December 2024 |
sqft: | 150 |
Number of Rooms: | Studio (1+0) |
Building Age: | 3 |
Number of Floors: | 12 |
Floor Location: | 4 |
Number of Bathrooms: | None |
Number of Balconies: | None |
Heating: | Central Heating |
Furnished: | Yes |
Usage Status: | In Use |
Within Compound: | No |
Maintenance Fee: | No |
Credit Eligible: | Unknown |
From Whom: | From Construction Company |
Exchange: | No |
Price | 4,800,000 PKR |
List No | 9350 |
List Date | 17 December 2024 |
sqft | 150 |
Number of Rooms | Studio (1+0) |
Building Age | 3 |
Number of Floors | 12 |
Floor Location | 4 |
Number of Bathrooms | None |
Number of Balconies | None |
Heating | Central Heating |
Furnished | Yes |
Usage Status | In Use |
Within Compound | No |
Maintenance Fee | No |
Credit Eligible | Unknown |
From Whom | From Construction Company |
Exchange | No |
already its rented to a famous brand dome resturant ..its price is 48 lac and per month rent is 45 thousand ..we are having many more options so please contact for more details
this shop is in cda approbed mall and location is near pwd islamabad main islamabad expressway ..