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Terms of Use Terms of Use

  1. Overview

    • These Terms of Use govern the use of the website.

  2. Acceptance

    • By using the platform, you are deemed to have accepted these Terms of Use.

  3. Services

    • provides C2C marketplace services.

  4. User Obligations

    • Users must comply with laws and adhere to honest trade practices. • All information must be accurate and up-to-date.

  5. Intellectual Property

    • All rights to the content on are reserved. Unauthorized use of this content is prohibited.

  6. User Content

    • Users are responsible for the content they post. • Content violating terms may be promptly removed.

  7. Account Security

    • Users are responsible for the security of their own accounts.

  8. Limitation of Liability

    • cannot be held responsible for transactions on the platform or user-generated content.

  9. Prohibited Activities

    • Illegal, deceptive, or unethical activities are prohibited.

  10. Changes

• Terms of Use may be changed from time to time.

  1. Dispute Resolution

• Any dispute will be resolved in accordance with the laws under the jurisdiction of

  1. Contact

• For inquiries, you can email [email protected].